What is the u3a?
The u3a movement is a unique and exciting organisation which invites anyone of any age to join to make the most of their free time, to enjoy interests together and to learn together, not for qualifications but for its own reward.
Founded in 1982, u3a is a UK-wide collection of locally run groups. There are 1,039 u3as with over 430,000 members.
Martock & District u3a started in 2017 and is one of the smaller u3a groups but has a wide range of interest groups, with new groups regularly starting as members decide to share a new interest. Groups are small and friendly who meet, usually in members’ homes, to learn more about their chosen subjects, to enjoy being with others who have similar interests or try something new.
What Happens at Monthly Meetings?
Monthly Meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm. at Martock Parish Hall, Church Street Martock TA12 6JL.
We have a speaker and besides interesting talks on a wide variety of topics and socials, the meetings provide opportunities to meet and chat to other members.
We always have tea, coffee and biscuits (and often homemade cakes) after the talks and it is an ideal chance to socialise.
Visitors are welcome at the meetings.
For details of the upcoming speakers please visit the What’s On & What’s New page.
Martock & District u3a has linked with other local u3a groups so you would be also able to attend their speaker meetings: https://www.u3a.org.uk/
What are Groups?
Groups are an important part of Martock & District u3a giving members the opportunity to get together to learn and share their interests and skills.
Groups are set up if some members want to share their skills and knowledge, learn something new or continue an interest, hobby or leisure activity. They are run for and by the group members who decide what they would like to do and when they would like to meet, often monthly. You can join as many groups as you would like.
Most groups meet in the members’ homes and some groups also organise trips to places of interest.
To see the list of groups and when they met, please visit the Groups page. Martock & District u3a has also linked to other u3a groups and you would be able to join their interest groups.
We hope that there are groups that interest you, but we are always looking to start new groups so if you have an idea for a group please contact the Groups Secretary.
How do I become a member of Martock & District u3a?
You can join Martock & District u3a now by completing the Membership Application Form and with an online payment or bank transfer, by sending the form with a cheque to the Membership Secretary to: 1 Rope Walk, Martock TA12 6HZ or to a monthly meeting.
Membership is £17 a year per person, £30 for a couple, £13 if you are a full member of another u3a and no charge if you are a member of the one of the Avalon u3a groups. There is an extra charge of £7 for members who request a posted Newsletter.
How do we communicate with members?
A monthly Newsletter is sent to members with information about monthly meetings, group information, local events and u3a Trust information. Previous copies of our Newsletter can be read here. The Newsletter is sent by email (sign up at the bottom of the website with your email address) and we also email members with any useful information. Members who do not use email can ask for a posted Newsletter.
The u3a Trust also sends members a national magazine Third Age Matters.
How is Martock & District u3a managed & Committee?
Martock & District u3a is run by members who all give their time on a voluntary basis. A committee is elected at an AGM and, as Trustees, manage and oversee all the activities.
The committee roles are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Groups Secretary, Events Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Webmaster, Committee Members without specific roles and an Honorary President. You are welcome to contact the committee members below.
New committee members are always welcome as new ideas and experience will add to the success of our u3a. If you enjoy being a member of the u3a ad would like to support, please consider joining the committee.
Details of the Martock & District Policies can be seen on the Membership page or by contacting the Secretary.
Minutes of committee meetings: 2023 April June July September October November.
2024 January February March 8 April 29 April June July .
Minutes of the autumn AGM and Annual Report: 2023
Chair: Chris Atkins martocku3achair24@gmail.com
Vice Chair:
Treasurer: Sue Roberts treasmaru3@gmail.com
Secretary: Pat Brett commaru3a@gmail.com
Membership Secretary: Alison Sutton martocku3amembership@gmail.com
Groups Secretary: Mary Marshall martocku3agroupssec1@gmail.com
Web Manager: Alison Bleasdale webmaru3a@gmail.com
Publicity & Events Secretary: Adrian Sutton pubmaru3a@gmail.com
Committee Member – Carol Youngson comm4maru3a@gmail.com
Committee Member – Philip Booth comm5maru3a@gmail.com